Membership in a credit union, including Secured Advantage, often begins with a personal savings account. It’s quite fitting, really. We’re the ones rallying people to save more, and do more, with your money to build toward a stronger financial future. Money deposited in a personal savings account earns dividends from the date of deposit.
Think of your Secured Advantage savings account as your emergency fund for things such as car expenses, major household repairs, medical emergencies, unexpected travel or job loss. There’s comfort in building a cushion for when “life happens.”
If you’re saving with a specific purpose, whether it’s a dream vacation or a down payment on your first home, we offer specialty savings accounts to help you set aside a specific amount each month until you hit your goal.
All of your accounts are accessible via our Virtual Branch – a secure, 24-hour online banking service – and the Secured Advantage mobile app. Plus, all your savings is insured up to $250,000 by NCUA Share Insurance.
Open an account with Secured Advantage and
begin your plan for smart saving.
Learn how and why people bank with
Secured Advantage join our credit union today!